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vaginal dryness

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Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and Beyond Mammography

submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
The Women's Health Initiative documented that instead of preventing breast cancer, heart attacks, and strokes that it did just the opposite. The story behind the creation of HRT is shocking and Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki share it. The financial greed of big pharma is exposed. Yet women need help with their symptoms of menopause that make their quality of...

HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy)

submitted by: admin on 10/08/2013
  HRT has been exposed as a dangerous treatment through the Women's Health Initiative Study. HRT is associated with an increased incidence of breast cancer, heart attacks, strokes, and thromboses. Natural hormone replacement is discussed. The specific problems with HRT are reviewed and a rational approach for using hormones is presented.          

Managing Vaginal Dryness with Probiotics

submitted by: admin on 10/19/2013
Researchers from Johns Hopkins and University of Maryland medical centers published an article in the October 2013 issue of the journal, Menopause, showing that the microflora in the vagina changes throughout a woman's reproductive life and that abnormalities in this microflora can cause vaginal dryness and painful intercourse (dysparunea).  They...

Menopause Overview

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
  There is an epidemic of menopausal syndrome today. Hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood swings, and osteoporosis are now common and often difficult to treat. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has been shown to be dangerous because of an increase in the incidence of breast cancer, heart attacks, strokes, and thromboses. Mainstream treatment...

Preview; Menopause Overview

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
There is an epidemic of menopausal syndrome today. Hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood swings, and osteoporosis are now common and often difficult to treat. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has been shown to be dangerous because of an increase in the incidence of breast cancer, heart attacks, strokes, and thromboses. Mainstream treatment with pharmaceutically...

The Menopause Cure with Ellen Cutler

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
The reason why women experience menopause is far more than hormone fluctuations. Over-consumption of carbohydrates is what Dr. Cutler believes is the underlying cause of menopausal symptoms. Taking a digestive enzyme and avoiding grains has helped her patients. She contends that grains cannot be digested and an autoimmune reaction develops that leads to symptoms...

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