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submitted by: admin on 09/18/2013
Risk factors for heart disease should be assessed depending on each person's family history and lifestyle. The tests used also vary with each individual's particular situation. This disease is generally preventable.
submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
According to a presentation at the Heart Rhythm Society in May of 2013, higher levels of estrogen are associated with an increased risk for sudden cardiac death (SCD) in both men and women. Testosterone on the other hand was lower in men and slightly higher in women with SCD. More than 350,000 people die annually in the US from SCD.
Some of the...
submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
Isolated systolic hypertension (ISH) is the result of stiffening of the arteries. ISH is different in its cause from humoral or diastolic hypertension in that humoral hypertension is the result of vasoconstriction of arteries from stress and other hormones; it is reversible to a point whereas ISH is the end result of advanced arteriosclerosis whereas...
submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
A new ultra-bad very sticky form of LDL cholesterol that is small and dense has been identified and found to be present in both type 2 diabetes and in the elderly. It may be the reason why the risk of heart attack and stroke is eleveated in these groups. The cause is suspected to be related to glycation (damage to proteins by high levels of glucose) and is more...
submitted by: admin on 09/30/2013
A study published in September of 2013 in the journal, Radiology, looked at the number of knee MRIs that were ordered by MDs with ownership in the MRI facility and those that did not, and found that about 33% more were ordered by those with ownership.
Medical practice has become a business, and income is the bottom line for for a business. We believe...
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
According to an article published in the October issues of the journal, Neurology, stroke is affecting people at a younger age. In 1995 13% of all strokes occurred in people between 20 and 50 years old. That number rose to 19% in 2005.
The reason for this increase in incidence in younger people is that we're seeing conditions such as type 2...
submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
There are a number of new tests that are not in the mainstream that take assessment of arteriosclerosis to a higher level. By measuring the pulse wave in a finger we can assess the state of vascular arteriosclerosis in the heart and brain and even reverse the amount of plaque with interesting supplements. This simple and affordable test needs to be...
submitted by: admin on 11/19/2013
Vascular stiffness can be measured in an artery of the finger to assess vascular stiffness, which is a measure of arteriosclerosis in the aorta as well as in the rest of the body. An article published in the August issue of the American Journal of Physiology, documented the validity of this simple test in predicting arteriosclerosis even in the...