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This is out Library. Please click on the article title to view the details. Introduction by Vicki Saputo, RN and Len Saputo, MD

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
This is an introduction to our website by Vicki Saputo, RN. .Vicki has appeared with her husband Len on hundreds of radio shows and brings her wonderful and heartfelt energy across in this video introduction to the web experience.  Dr. Saputo shares his good energy in a video lower down on this page.. Enjoy!

eNewsletter - Worldwide Website Launch

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Thank you for helping us to celebrate the worldwide website launch of on 1/1/11... a symbolic date as the numbers suggest the start of a project, "new beginnings"... click on the arrow below to watch a video of Dr. Len Saputo discuss the features of this unique health and wellness service custom tailored for YOU!  Members will have access...

Links - Webpages of Related Services

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
This page contains a list of links to other websites that may interest you. doesn't recommend or have any association with these sites but they have gone through a preliminary review and are usually from people or organizations that we know in some way or another.  Enjoy!   Qigong with Francesco Garri Garripoli and Daisy Lee...

When is it Important to Take Your Medicine?

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
The AMA reports that noncompliance with regard to prescription medication is the cause of excessive hospitalization, morbidity, mortality, and overall healthcare costs. The article fails to address those patients who suffer from adverse drug events and their related costs. They state that health costs go up about $300 billion annually because of drug noncompliance,...

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Dr. Len's health clinic

Immune system boosting meditations and Qigong exercises