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Articles by Keyword for

wellness and prevention

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General Wellness and Prevention Protocol

submitted by: admin on 06/09/2014
  We cannot be healthy if we don't live a healthy lifestyle. If all of our cells are healthy, infact, it is impossible to be sick! So, our job is to keep our cells healthy by living a healthy lifestyle that includes diet, exercise, sleep, stress reduction, proper weight, and having meaningful purpose in our lives. If we follow these principles,...

Health Care Reform: A Physician's Point of View

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Dr. Lonnie Bristow and Dr. Len held a town hall meeting on health care reform with the two MDs from different perspectives. The issues discussed include the insurance industry, big pharma, hospitals, universal health care, and solutions we support. We need a health care reform that includes wellness and prevention as well as health care for all.

The Future of Health Medicine with Byron Belitsos

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
We don't have reliable scientific research in health care and we desperately need it. The reason for research today is about creating income, social status, or imporance rather than publishing truth and facts. The bulk of research is funded by big pharma, not NIH. The history of research is corrupt and biased. The collusion between FDA, Congress, big pharma and...

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