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Fast Food Linked to Depression

submitted by: admin on 12/15/2014
A University of Grenada publication in Public Health Nutrition revealed that consumers of fast foods and baked sweets were 50% more likely to be depressed than those eating a healthy diet. These same people, however, were also likely to be single, less active physically, worked more than 45 hours a week, and smoked. A previous study showed a 42% increase in depression,...

How MDs Balance Work and Home Lives

submitted by: admin on 10/04/2013
An article published in the August 2013 issue of the Journal of General Internal Medicine reviewed 7200 MDs and 900 of their partners and found that there was more burnout and depresssion and more work-home conflicts in MDs working longer hours, are younger, are female, and who hold academic positions at teaching medical centers.  Medical training...

Medical Bills Cause More Than 50% of Bankruptcies

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Health care in the US is no longer affordable for nearly 50% of all Americans. There are 45 million working Americans without insurance and 50 million more who are underinsured. It is no wonder it leads in bankruptcies.      

Medical Residency Training Reform

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Medical experts are calling for resident working hour restrictions to prevent medical errors from medical resident fatigue and lack of supervision. They called for sweeping changes in the design, supervision and financing of US hospital residency programs to protect both patients and medical residents in training from serious, preventable medical errors, and...

Medical Residents Working Hours are Excessive

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Traditionally, doctors-in-training have been abused in many ways. The reasons for this and the issues involved are explored. It is a sad reflection of how money runs America and how inappropriate medical training really is.          

Medical Student Burnout

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Medical students are abused with long working hours and teaching methods. It is no wonder that 11% of med students contemplate suicide and that there's such a high rate of drug abuse, divorce, and suicide among MDs.          

Nanoparticles and Sunscreens with Vicki and Stacy Malkan

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
  Nanoparticles are tiny versions of chemicals. It is new technology and not studied for the impact on human health. They are very absorbable and used in many products. There is lots of marketing by commercial products to make us think they are good, but they can be dangerous, especially if put on our skin because they can go to our brains and organs,...

Natural News Radio Show 7.18.12

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
  Prescriptions for Health  How Iron Supplements Can Reduce Fatigue A Nutrient Cocktail to Treat Alzheimers Should You Be Told if a Trainee Does Your Surgery? And much more! Vicki’s 20:20 Health Tips: Men Teaching Classes for Women (LOL) Observations on Growing Older              

New Research About Facebook Addiction

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
Facebook addiction is especially a problem for younger people and for women. It tends to occur in anxious and socially insecure people because they find it easier to communicate than face to face. The study also reports that people who are organized and more ambitious tend to be less at risk. For these people the use of social media is an integral part of work...

Nurse Burnout and Patient Welfare

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
  In a global study of 100,000 nurses it was found that nurse burnout is widespread. How well nurses fare in their work is a barometer of how well patients are faring. Many RNs lacked confidence that patients could manage their care after discharge. Too many patients and nurse-physician relationships were major issues. What is needed is a reasonable...

Replacing Effort With Skill, Part 11 with Ofer Erez

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Trying harder is a reflection of not having mastered a particular skill. When we get better at whatever we're doing, it becomes easy and effortless.

Tired Medical Residents Make More Errors

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
A study on surgeons in training working hours and errors was published in Archives of Surgery in May of 2012 showing that sleep-deprived surgical residents had a 22% greater risk of causing medical errors than rested residents. Their average number of sleep hours was 5.5 but it ranged from 2.8 to 7.8 hours. They determined that these residents were only functioning...

US vs UK Health Care

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
UK health care has a lower incidence of most chronic diseases, Why? Lifestyle in England is healthier. There is less inflammation as a consequence.          

Working Long Hours Can Lead to a Heart Attack

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
A longterm study showed that working more than 11 hours a day increased the risk for heart disease by 67%. It was not determined if it was the long hours themselves or the unhealthy habits associated such as diet, exercise, sleep and stress that was the underlying mechanism. What we should be striving for is balance in life in our work, exercise, diet, stress,...

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