Nirinjan Bikko Yee, CMT

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025

Nirinjan Bikko Yee, CMT
Therapeutic Bodywork
Personalized Movement Training


Nirinjan Bikko Yee is a Massage Therapist, Movement Therapist and Personal Trainer with 25 years experience. She is certified trainer in the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM®, a certified teacher of the Franklin Method, and a certified practitioner of Craniosacral Therapy, Middendorf Breathwork, Acupressure, and Lomi Somatic Work. Nirinjan became a dancer following her own rehabilitation from an immobilizing disease. She has studied many forms of dance including Latin Ballroom dance, Brazilian dance, Modern dance, and Ballet. Nirinjan has developed somatic education and movement therapy programs for mental health centers in Chicago, IL, and for the San Francisco General Hospital Refugee Clinic. In addition, Nirinjan has taught her work to the staff of the Unversitatslink Innsbruck, department of psychosomatic psychiatry.

Conditions Commonly Addressed

· Physical Pain & Discomfort
· Muscular Tension & Stiffness
· Postural Difficulties
· Sports Injuries
· Repetitive Stress Injuries
· Stress & Trauma


· Pain Relief & Stress Reduction
· Ease of Motion
· Improved Posture, Alignment & Balance
· Enhanced Flexibility, Tone & Fluidity
· Increased Energy & Vitality
· Greater Confidence & Self-Esteem


Each session draws from multiple disciplines to address the whole person. A treatment plan and personalized movement program is created to meet each individual’s unique needs. Nirinjan works in concert with the other practitioners at HMC to support health and well-being.

THERAPEUTIC BODYWORK combines Acupressure, Craniosacral Therapy, Deep Tissue Massage, Lomi Somatic Work, and Middendorf Breathwork to release chronic tension and awaken the body’s natural healing abilities.

GYROTONIC® combines the flexibility and grace of ballet, the focus of martial arts, body sculpting and weight training, and the core strength and stretching benefits of Pilates. Gyrotonic produces long, lean, flexible, toned muscles, increases joint mobility and range of motion, develops coordination and simultaneously stretches and strengthens the body with minimal effort.

THE FRANKLIN METHOD® combines imagery, experiential anatomy and reconditioning to create ease of movement, flexibility, strength, balance, and vitality.

GYROTONIC® and GRYOTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM are registered trademarks of the Gyrotonic Sales Corp. and are used with their permission.


Nirinjan Bikko Yee, CMT (Video)


Nirinjan Bikko Yee is a recommended health coach by Dr. Saputo for The link below leads to media files that are in the library that were done with Nirinjan.


Nirinjan Bikko Yee





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