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Antioxidants and Cancer Treatment

submitted by: admin on 05/13/2015
Cancer is a disease of lack of energy production. It is associated with loss of mitochondrial ATP production caused by oxidative stress. Antioxidants are the antidote to cancer development. This is why we sometimes see success with IV vitamin C treatment. Caveolin 1 is a marker that predicts survival. The question then is would it be worthwhile to treat with...

Autoimmunity Overview

submitted by: admin on 11/24/2019
There is an epidemic of autoimmune diseases that include hay fever, asthma, diabetes, collagen vascular diseases, and hypothyroidism. The causes of this epidemic range from heavy metal toxicity to drugs and environmental toxins. Our immune system attacks our tissues and we use drugs to suppress our immune system. There are other options for treatment that relate...

Can Light Therapy Help the Brain

submitted by: admin on 09/28/2018
According to a press release published in Eurekalert in April of 2015, researchers from the Boston VA hospital are studying the effects of infrared and red light on veterans with Gulf War Syndrome. They documented with MRI studies that LED therapy increased blood flow and ATP production in the mitochondria of brain cells. Previous studies published in the June...

Do Vegetarians Really have a Lower Risk for Heart Disease?

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
  The January issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition posted an article claiming that vegetarians had 32% less heart disease than those eating meat and fish. The type of meat eaten was not disclosed. There are major differences between feed lot beef and grass fed beef or wild game that went unaddressed. Of course it is misleading and...

Do You Need to Supplement Your Diet?

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Do we really need supplements such as vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and important nutrients? If you live a healthy lifestyle you may not need supplements; if you don't you likely need supplements. You can overdo supplements and megavitamins have their downsides. Toxic exposures are a good reason to consider supplementation. The best sources of antioxidants,...

How Chocolate Reduces Risk for Heart Attacks and Strokes

submitted by: admin on 10/22/2018
Scientists from LSU Medical Center reported at the 247th National Meeting & Exposition on how the flora in the intestinal tract digest chocolate and convert its large, poorly absorbed, polyphenols that protect the heart and brain from inflammation, into smaller, more easily absorbed antioxidants. They recommend building up the gut microbes that accomplish...

How Much Vitamin C Do You Need?

submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
  The RDA for vitamin C is enough to prevent scurvy, but not enough to prevent heart attacks, strokes, cancer and many infectious diseases. According to the Linus Pauling Institute, we should raise the RDA from 70 mg in women and 90 mg in men to 200 mg per day. While we could get 200 mg per day in our diets, few of us consume 5-9 servings of fruits and...

How to Protect Against Radiation

submitted by: admin on 10/08/2013
The Fukushima nuclear reactor disaster is the worst in the history of the world. And it is far from over. There are 11,000 spent fuel rods in danger of melting down and exposing the northern hemisphere with more than 330 million Curies of radiation; 134 million Curies is from cesium 137. There has been no significant effort to decontaminate this disaster. The...

Is infant formula safe?

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
  Infant formula will never come remotely close to providing the nutrients found in human breast milk. Formula has the wrong fats, sugars, and proteins and is missing most nutrients found in mother's milk. Sixty percent of the calories derived from mother's milk is from fat. It is critical that mothers to be eat a healthy diet starting about...

Modifying the GI Microflora Lowers Blood Sugar

submitted by: admin on 07/10/2014
While it has been suspected that the GI microflora have a profound effect on human physiology, there has not been a lot of data supporting that the changes in physiology determine the resulting composition of the microflora. Now there is a study supporting that the microflora can be altered and this can change insulin sensitivity and decrease the risk for developing...

Parkinson's and Alzheimer's Diseases and the Failure of ATP Production

submitted by: admin on 05/28/2016
Parkinson's disease is not cured by any treatments we have today. Treatment is centered on blocking the symptoms of this chronic disease. There is a failure of energy production in vital areas of the brain that make dopamine. The energy producing part of the cell, the mitochondria, don't make enough energy to make dopamine and Parkinson's disease...

Prescriptions for Health Radio Show: April 1, 2011

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Prescriptions for Health on DemandApril 1, 2011 Welcome to the Premiere of Prescriptions for Health Radio Show on Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki explore the following topics: Worrying about breast cancer Japan fallout Power of prayer and thought Infrared light therapy Diabetic drugs for prevention Atrial fibrillation Vicki's 20/20...

Vitamin D3 Supplementation Treats Prostate Cancer

submitted by: admin on 06/30/2016
  Patients with low risk prostate cancer under active surveillance may benefit from vitamin D3 supplementation at 4000 IU per day according to an article in the Journal of Endocrinology Metabolism. In patients with Gleason 6 prostate cancers, those treated with 4000 IU of vitamin D3 for one year, 55% had a decrease in Gleason findings or fewer positive...

What Happened and What Do We Face in Fukushima?

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
What happened in Fukushima, Japan on March 11, 2011 may be the most sinister global disaster in the recorded history of our planet. The repercussions of this historic disaster will remain for centuries to come. The manifestations of nuclear radiation from the meltdown of the reactors in Fukushima will haunt humanity in ways that we'll only discover over time....

What Happened and What We Face in Fukushima

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
What happened in Fukushima, Japan on March 11, 2011 may be the most sinister global disaster in the recorded history of our planet. The repercussions of this historic disaster will remain for centuries to come. The manifestations of nuclear radiation from the meltdown of the reactors in Fukushima will haunt humanity in ways that we'll only discover over time....

What You Need to Know About Radiation Exposure

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
The radiation disaster in Japan is a serous problem in Japan, but not in the US yet. The levels of exposure up to this point have been diluted sufficiently that it is only a minor issue for those of us who live on the west coast. The best treatment is the use of antioxidants to combat the ionizing radiation such as natural vitamin E, selenomethionine, vitamin...

What You Need to Know About Radiation Exposure part 2

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
For the short term iodine can be very helpful to prevent the uptake of iodine 131. Using iodine for more than two weeks can have problems. Using mixed antioxidants is the best defense against all ionizing radiation. Iodine can induce both hypothyoidism and hyperthyroidism. If you're going to use iodine for more than two weeks it may be helpful to supplement with...

Why it is Important to Spice Up Your Meals

submitted by: admin on 12/18/2014
A study published in November of 2014 in Nutrition Today shows that high antioxidant spices enhance our health and protect against diseases such as heart disease. The researchers found that when eating a high fat diet that by adding high antioxidant spices such as garlic, rosemary, oregano, cinnamon, cloves, turmeric, ginger and black pepper, that levels...

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