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submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
There is a pandemic of type 2 diabetes that may affect as many as 25% of the population. The defects in diabetes are reviewed. This is a preventable disease with diet, exercise, stress reduction and more. All diseases are associated with a defect in energy production. It is almost always associated with obesity. It is important to begin working early on the pre-diabetes...
submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
The largest decrease in BP ever shown by any dietary intervention is flaxseeds according to a paper presented at the American Heart Association 2012 Scientific Sessions. Just 2 tablespoons of milled flax seeds resulted in a drop of 10 mm of Hg systolic and 7 mm Hg diastolic. This is equivalent to most antihypertensive drugs, and without their associated...
submitted by: admin on 10/22/2018
Scientists from LSU Medical Center reported at the 247th National Meeting & Exposition on how the flora in the intestinal tract digest chocolate and convert its large, poorly absorbed, polyphenols that protect the heart and brain from inflammation, into smaller, more easily absorbed antioxidants. They recommend building up the gut microbes that accomplish...
submitted by: admin on 10/08/2013
The recent Supreme Court decision on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has cleared the way for national requirements regarding posting information about calories, fat, and sodium content. A study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in July of 2012 that looked at the impact of menu labels in King County, Washington...
submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
The rise of obesity is not just from eating too much and lack of exercise. Our consumption of sugar has increased over the past century from 15 to 75 grams a day. This translates to about 150 lbs of sugar a year! Fructose is one of the components of table sugar, or sucrose, and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and is the culprit that leads to insulin...
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Most of the time we associate fiber with bowel health, especially constipation. However, fiber has a prominent role in lowering hypertension, weight, and cholesterol and has been shown to lower the risk of heart disease later in life. We need between 25 and 40 grams a day of fiber and this can easily be achieved by filling two thirds of your plate with fruit,...
submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
According to a study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal in April of 2013, naturopathic care enhanced conventional care from MDs by showing a 17% reduction in prevalence of the metabolic syndrome over a one year period.
Primary healthcare supposedly provides in-depth lifestyle counselling, however, why then does ND care lower...
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Health Medicine Essentials
submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Eighty percent of a survey in the US showed that we need better food standards to reduce calories, fat and sodium and encourage fruits, vegetables, and low fat dairy. There is some value to this, but there's more. Sugar and high fructose corn syrup should be very limited and certain fats need to be in our diets. Because there are vending machines with fast...