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A Fervent Call for Sustainable Health Care

submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
         " A Return to Healing" Blog:  Fri, 03/12/2010 - 22:23 — BBelitsos A great disappointment has descended upon the majority of Americans. Both the left and the right feel let down by the federal government’s strangely inadequate package of health care reforms that is about to be...

Bush Medicare Prescription Plan

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
While this is a step forward, the power and corruption of Big Pharma and its impact on Congress are reviewed. The doughnut hole is explained and the protection of Big Pharma profits revealed.        

Med Students Train in Cuba

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Quite strangely, US med students are now training in Cuba and are coming back to the US to work in underprivileged areas. Parallels of Cuban and US health care are made.

Qigong with Tom Rogers

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  Tom Rogers, president of the Qigong Institute gives a wonderful interview describing what qigong is, how it works, and what it does. He reviews some of the scientific studies validating its value. He also explains that qigong is a moving meditation that pays attention to the breath. Tom relates to the emerging field of epigenetics that emphasizes how...

The Reasons for Voting

submitted by: admin on 11/03/2020
We're in the midst of a huge election and are getting information, especially about Covid 19, from many sources that is so radically different and controversial that we've become overwhelmed. We don't know how to digest this barrage of information and come to the right decisions about how to manage it. This coupled with fear is a recipe that has led...

The Voice of Reason, with Dr. Saputo

submitted by: admin on 09/03/2020
  Cutting through the confusion generated by fake news and itsbrainwashing hyperbole has left us all wondering what to believe about Covid 19. The Voice of Reason podcasts are intended to provide a commonsense commentary from authors and wellness advocates renown physician Len Saputo, MD and international Qigong Teacher Francesco...

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