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submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Ideal body weights vary with societal norms, and they immensely in different eras and locations. Commonsense has been lost. We are all different and so is an ideal weight. Ideal body image is defined from our uniqueness and from the inside.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Running labs can assess and modify sports injuries. Most sports injuries are caused by improper mechanics. Tennis elbows are a good example. Runners are especially vulnerable to injuries. By listening to the sound of your feet on the ground and videotaping your stride, it is possible to analyze what is happening and correct it.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
A NY study published in Environmental Research found that among overweight kids that the higher the phthalate concentrations in their body, the higher their weight up to about 10%. Phthalates are plasticizers that make plastics like PVC flexible. They likely also disrupt the endocrine system and may well cause reduced sperm counts, testicular atrophy and an increased...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
We live in a sea of toxins that seriously impact our health. A NY University Study is reviewed showing that most of us are saturated with hundreds of chemical toxins. We need political reform to make it illegal to spread these toxins.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Children fed healthy diets have a slightly higher IQ than those fed junk food by age eight. A study at the University of Adelaide compared home-prepared food, ready-prepared baby food, breast feeding, and junk food diets over the first two years of life and measured IQ at age eight. They found that the best diet had a two IQ point advantage and the...
submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Energy psychology is coming into its own as a bonified field of psychology. It originally developed from applied kinesiology and muscle testing. According to Eugene Gendlin, psychotherapy is about energetic shifts, called a felt shift, that happen when someone finds new meaning on a life issue. There are interesting tapping techniques that can activate energy...
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
The ingredients in cosmetic products are not regulated and they have many toxic ingredients that are not listed. To have healthy skin it is crucial to eat a good diet, exercise, and be sure you have sufficient antioxidants. Exercising the facial muscles helps keep them from sagging.
submitted by: admin on 10/02/2013
Supplementing your child's diet with essential fatty acids, enrolling them in pre-school, and engaging them in interactive reading can increase their IQ by 3-10 or more points according to a study published in Perspectives on Psychological Science in January of 2013.
Supplementing pregnant women and newborns with essential fatty acids were...
submitted by: admin on 10/11/2017
Tennis elbow is a repetitive stress injury that results from improper stroke technique and occurs in the lateral epicondyle for backhands and the medial epicondyle for the serve and forehand. All too often the joint is treated with a cortisone injection and physical therapy and the person is told to return to playing tennis when the pain is resolved....
submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
The benefits of breastfeeding compared to infant formula was studied in 133 babies from 10 months to 4 years of age. Those fed with breast milk had much better brain development than those fed formula according to a June 2013 issue of the journal Neuroimage.
There was a 20-30% greater development in language skills, emotional function, and cognition...
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Marie-Veronique Nadeau has devoted a good portion of her adult life to the study of the cosmetics industry, with a view to providing safe alternatives to the frequently quite toxic products currently on offer to the public. This research has taken her into fields as diverse as sun protection, anti-aging, the safety of products designed for...
submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
For over 150 years there has been a debate between the American Dental Association, the Environmental Protection Agency, and Complementary and Alternative Medicine about whether or not amalgam dental fillings are safe. Amalgams are the silver fillings we have in our teeth. After the dentist has prepared the cavity in your tooth for filling, he prepares...
submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Bisphenol A is found in plastic bottles and is carcinogenic. It is now ubiquitous. One of the problems in assessing the safety of chemicals is that we don't look at the cumulative effect of thousands of environmental toxins. Commonsense is needed in the US to stop approving chemicals that are not proven to be safe. Money trumps service.
submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Planet earth is already massively polluted. "The Body Burden Study" is discussed. There are now 246 identified carcinogens identified by the government in our environment. Cumulative effects are very scary.
submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
Sugi is Japanese for cedar tree and has connotations for holiness, eternity, and peace. Sugi touch is a hands on healing method blended from Feldenkrais and Alexander work. This gentle work can be powerful & life changing. Ofer describes what Sugi touch is and how it works.
submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
Sunburn, wrinkles, rosacea, and cancer can be prevented or minimized with sunblock. There are many chemicals that are in sunblock that are dangerous. The differences of UVA and UVB and what they do are explained.
submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Toxins are ubiquitous. In a study of 9 people, 167 chemicals were found that caused cancer, were endocrine disruptors, reproductive toxins, neurotoxins, and caused birth defects. Details of the study are discussed.
submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
It is possible to shift the emphasis of dental practice from that of the doctor's side to the comfort side of being a patient. Aromatherapy, foot massage, soft music, and relaxation are central in this setting. Meditation, breathing techniques, noise cancelling headphones are examples of what can be used.
submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
It is possible to use our mind to regulate pain. By using special techniques it is possible to turn off the sadness, anger, and other emotions it can help us function with less pain. Neurobehavioral behaviors can be modulated to relieve pain.
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
We're bombarded with messages that there's something wrong with us. Aging adds to the list! There's a huge industry that feeds on this. Personality and soul are better measures of self worth. Beauty is in the mind too.